Jonathan Di Michiel


Jonathan is a KPMG partner and leads the firm’s Digital Health, Ageing and Human Services practice with a focus on achieving better outcomes for the wellbeing of Australians. In this capacity, he works closely with clients and KPMG alliances to develop platformbased tools to address challenges that health, ageing and human services organizations have in delivering high quality and safe care.

Globally, Jonathan leads KPMG’s Electronic Health Record team and our Powered Enterprise for Healthcare offering which focusses on backoffice transformation. Jonathan collaborates with the KPMG global network to create solutions that support rapid business modernisation in healthcare organizations aimed at driving better functional performance, supporting new ways of working, ensuring processes are futureready and better controlling risk and regulation.
Jonathan has a global health focused background and has served some of the world’s largest organisations in advisory, transformational program management and technology capacities. He has over 20 years’ experience in program, project, and risk management and information technology and has worked for KPMG in Sydney, London and New York.

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Healthcare Horizons